How to Make a Private RuneScape Server?


Creating a private RuneScape server has become an exciting project for many gaming enthusiasts. It allows you to customize and control the game environment, providing a unique experience for you and your friends. This guide will walk you through the steps to set up and configure your own RuneScape private server.


Before diving into the setup process, let’s outline the necessary prerequisites. Having the right tools and understanding the basics is crucial for a smooth setup.

  • Java Development Kit (JDK): RuneScape servers are written in Java, so you need to have the JDK installed.
  • Integrated Development Environment (IDE): An IDE like Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA can be helpful for managing and editing server files.
  • RuneScape Server Files: Obtain the necessary server files, either by downloading them from a trusted source or creating them from scratch.
  • MySQL Database: A database to store player information and game data is essential. MySQL is a popular choice.
  • Basic Knowledge of Java: Understanding Java programming will help you customize and troubleshoot the server.

Step-by-Step Guide to Create a RuneScape Private Server

1. Install the JDK

First and foremost, you’ll need to have the Java Development Kit installed on your computer. You can download it from the official Oracle website:

  • Navigate to the Oracle Java SE Downloads.
  • Choose the version compatible with your operating system and follow the installation instructions.

2. Configure Your IDE

Once the JDK is installed, set up your IDE. We’ll use Eclipse for this example:

  • Download Eclipse from the Eclipse Downloads Page.
  • Install and launch Eclipse, and follow the prompts to configure your workspace.

3. Obtain Server Files

Next, you’ll need the RuneScape server files. These typically include:

  • Source Code: The codebase for the server.
  • Client: The interface players will use to connect to your server.

File Types and Their Uses

File Type Use
.java Server code files
.cfg Configuration files for server settings
.txt Readme or instructions
.dat Data files for game assets

4. Set Up MySQL Database

You’ll need to set up a MySQL database to store game data:

  • Download and install MySQL Installer.
  • Follow the setup wizard to create a new database.
  • Ensure you note the database name, user, and password for later use.

5. Configure the Server

Now it’s time to configure your server:

  • Import the server files into your IDE.
  • Edit the configuration files to match your MySQL settings.
  • Ensure the source code files (.java) are correctly linked to the configuration files (.cfg).

6. Compile and Run the Server

With everything configured, you can now compile and run your server:

  • In your IDE, use the build function to compile the server code.
  • Run the compiled server and monitor the console for any errors.
  • Test the server by connecting with the client application.

Customizing Your Server

One of the biggest advantages of running a private server is the ability to customize the game. Here are some aspects you might want to modify:

  • Game Mechanics: Change experience rates, drop rates, and other gameplay elements.
  • NPCs and Quests: Add or remove NPCs and quests to enhance the storyline.
  • Items and Equipment: Create custom items and equipment for players to use.

Troubleshooting and Maintenance

Running a server can come with its challenges. Here are some common issues and solutions:

  • Lag or Downtime: Ensure your server hardware and internet connection are sufficient.
  • Database Issues: Regularly back up your MySQL database and perform maintenance tasks.
  • Code Errors: Regularly update and debug your server code.


Creating a private RuneScape server is a rewarding project that offers endless customization possibilities. By following this guide, you can set up, configure, and customize your own server, creating a unique RuneScape experience for you and your friends. Whether you’re looking to relive the classic RuneScape days or create something entirely new, the power is in your hands.

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